Kebocoran data pribadi marak terjadi ketika melakukan aktivitas secara online. Oleh sebab itu, keamanan Data Pribadi di Era Digital menjadi hal yang berharga, karena pada dasarnya informasi pribadi bersifat rahasia. Ketidaksadaran dalam mengelola data pribadi dapat menyebabkan data-data kita tersebar dan menjadi sasaran empuk bagi pelaku kejahatan siber. Berbagai jenis data pribadi yang mungkin perlu kita […]
PrivyID Wins Two Awards From Telkom Indigo 4 Nation and Mandiri Capital Indonesia

2020 has been a challenging year, as the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc across the world, and Indonesia is no exception. But we are persevering amidst the crisis, and get stronger during these uncertain times. PrivyID always believes that synergy is one of the important things that make us #TogetherStronger. We truly realize the value […]
Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020: The Future of Digital Identity’s Role in Financial Inclusion: Digital Signature to Ensure Transaction Security

Rabu, (18/10), CEO PrivyID, Marshall Pribadi menjadi salah satu panelis dalam acara Pekan Fintech Nasional 2020 yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia (AFTECH). Dalam sesi Gym Expert bertajuk ‘The Future of Digital Identity’s Role in Financial Inclusion: Digital Signature to Ensure Transaction Security’, membahas mengenai bagaimana identitas digital memiliki potensi besar untuk menghadirkan inklusi keuangan […]
AAUI WEBINAR: ‘How Insurance Leaders Engage Customers in Times of Change and Uncertainty’

On Tuesday, November 10, 2020, Marshall Pribadi as CEO of PrivyID and Chairman of the Indonesian Regtech & Legaltech Association, and Hanung Primaharsa Semiartedy as CMO of PrivyID were invited as speakers in a Webinar entitled ‘How Insurance Leaders Engage Customers in Times of Change and Uncertainty’ organized by the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI) […]
Bagaimana Tanda Tangan Digital Membantu Bisnis Hadapi ‘New Normal’

Pandemik COVID-19 bukan hanya mengakibatkan krisis kesehatan yang melanda seluruh dunia, namun juga memberikan dampak luar biasa bagi kegiatan bisnis dan usaha. Demi menekan angka penyebaran virus di Indonesia, berbagai langkah telah diambil oleh pemerintah, salah satunya dengan menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) di berbagai wilayah. Hal ini tentunya mempengaruhi kegiatan bisnis dan bagaimana […]
#LifeAtPrivy: Privy’s 4th Anniversary, One Privy, Together Stronger

Guess what we’re celebrating on October, 20th? Yes, It’s PrivyID’s birthday! Different from the previous years, on this 4th birthday, the celebrations has to be held virtually. But that doesn’t lessen the enthusiasm and excitements of all the PrivyID family. We were all gathered together, from our homes, and some were joining the fun from […]
Rayakan Ulang Tahun, Privy Luncurkan Program Spesial #StrongerTogether

Dalam rangka ulang tahunnya yang keempat di bulan Oktober ini, Privy meluncurkan Program Spesial #StrongerTogether, di mana Privy menggratiskan penggunaan layanan selama 30 hari pertama dengan cara mendaftar sebagai pengguna baru melalui Privy juga memberikan tambahan bonus sebesar 50% dari kuota tanda tangan elektronik yang dibeli dalam periode 20 Oktober 2020 hingga 31 Oktober […]
#LifeAtPrivy: PrivyID’s Family Members Joined The Fun of Virtual Townhall

On Thursday (3/9), we held another virtual townhall. This townhall was held to enable our family members to connect directly with PrivyID’s senior management, and to get the latest updates of the company’s activities, plans, and achievements. This Townhall aimed to be a safe space for all of the employees to engage with everyone. Previously, […]
Glints Expert Class: Making Sure Your Personal Data is Secured

On Thursday (20/8), PrivyID’s CIO, Krishna Chandra, was invited to be the panelist for Glints Expert Class organized by Glints to talk about The Security of Personal Data. The class was live streamed online through Zoom. The moderator, Fedryno G. Ramadha, Community Associate of Glints opened the expert class by introducing Krishna Chandra briefly and […]
Collaborating with 6 Indonesian Banks, PrivyID Provides Contactless Credit Card Application Solution

PrivyID, Indonesia’s first legally binding digital signature provider, becomes the only digital signature provider that succeeded in passing Bank Indonesia’s regulatory sandbox program. PrivyID’s success is attributed to its capability of integrating their digital signature technology with the online credit card application system of six prominent consumer banks in Indonesia, namely Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI, […]