PrivyID Appoints Yale Graduate Amanda Novia Anggita as COO

Amanda Novia Anggita

Indonesia’s leading digital signature and digital identity provider, PrivyID, announced the appointment of Amanda Novia Anggita as Chief Operations Officer (COO). As PrivyID’s COO, Amanda will be responsible for developing and managing PrivyID’s critical operational areas such as consumer experience, human resources, legal compliance, and account and revenue management. Amanda is also expected to represent […]

OJK Predicted Digital Signature’s Popularity Will Continue to Grow

Chart in whiteboard

Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK) predicted that digital signature business will experience tremendous growth in the coming years. Digital signature’s rise to popularity comes naturally with the growing necessity of a fast, secure, and reliable method to verify and authenticate electronic transactions between financial service providers and their customers. OJK’s Head of Digital Financial Services […]

Finnet and AdMedika Soft Launched Digital Signature Implementation, Powered by PrivyID

Finnet and AdMedika Soft Launched Digital Signature Implementation

PrivyID attended the soft launch event of digital signature implementation between PT Finnet Indonesia and PT Administrasi Medika (AdMedika) on Thursday (25/7). PT. Finnet Indonesia was established since October 31, 2005. During its early inception, Finnet Indonesia was established to provide IT infrastructure and information systems for the  financial transactions of banks and other financial […]

How Does Digital Signature Work?

Attractive thoughtful fashionable businesswoman working with laptop while sitting on wooden cubes

Digital signature is an innovation that has been proven to be highly useful. Digital signature is particularly favored among companies that are looking for more efficient and less costly solutions to scale up their business. But how does digital signature work? What makes them more secure than a traditional handwritten signature, and what is their […]

4 Elements of Good Digital ID, Explained


Digital Identity or Digital ID is the digital representation of a subject. More specifically, digital ID is a set of attributes related to an entity that is used by computer systems to represent an external agent. Digital ID takes a different form from paper-based ID. For example, unlike driver’s licenses or passports that need to […]

UN: Digital ID Provides Broader Support for Inclusive Economic Development

UN Digital Cooperation Report 2018

The United Nation High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation has released a new tech report on Monday (10/06). The report explores the ways that digital technology can help achieve the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this report, panel members also pushed a recommendation to create an inclusive digital economy and society, which can be achieved by […]

Kolaborasi dengan Regtech PrivyID, Bank Mandiri Salurkan Kredit Usaha Mikro lewat Bukalapak

Petinggi Privy dan Mandiri.

PrivyID menggelar Ramadhan Talkshow dan buka puasa bersama pada hari Senin, 20 Mei 2019. Selain untuk mempererat keakraban, acara juga diadakan sebagai sarana edukasi terkait manfaat teknologi tanda tangan digital dan identitas digital. Kedua teknologi ini terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis melalui percepatan proses dan pemangkasan biaya administrasi pada saat bersamaan. Solusi yang ditawarkan […]

PrivyID dan Kemendag Gelar Diskusi Peluang Ekspor Jasa Digital bersama 57 Startup Jogjakarta

Marolop Nainggolan

Industri jasa memiliki potensi ekspor yang sangat besar bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Pasalnya, data Bank Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa sektor jasa berkontribusi sebesar 43,63% pada produk domestik bruto (PDB) pada tahun 2017. Kontribusi sektor jasa kemudian meningkat menjadi 59% di tahun 2018. Dibandingkan dengan sektor pertanian dan manufaktur, sektor jasa mengalami pertumbuhan tertinggi. Direktur Kerja Sama Pengembangan […]

PrivyID Raih Penghargaan Inovasi Terbaik di Bidang Teknologi Regulasi Pada Ajang Indonesia Innovation Award 2019

PrivyID Best Innovation on RegTech Indonesia Innovation Award 2019

PrivyID raih penghargaan kategori Inovasi Terbaik di Bidang Teknologi Regulasi (RegTech) pada ajang Indonesia Innovation Award 2019. Acara yang diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis, 25 April 2019 di Hotel Fairmont, Jakarta ini diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Pengusaha Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Nasional (APTIKNAS) yang bekerjasama dengan majalah Biskom. Pemanfaatan software teknologi informasi berbasis tanda tangan digital yang […]

Tingkatkan Kenyamanan Nasabah, Mandiri Sekuritas Gandeng PrivyID untuk Hadirkan Tanda Tangan Digital

Mandiri Sekuritas x PrivyID

Sejak kebangkitannya di awal tahun 90-an, pasar modal Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan. Jumlah pemodal pun terus mengalami peningkatan di mana total investor kini mencapai 1,7 juta individu. Meningkatnya minat masyarakat, kemudahan akses informasi, serta perkembangan teknologi membuka peluang bagi para perusahaan pialang untuk membuka akses ke pasar modal lebih lebar. Di tahun 2019, […]