Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and IT Officially Inaugurated 6 Certificate Authorities

Privy and Kominfo executives

On Wednesday (13/11), Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO) officially inaugurated six Certification Authorities (CA), where PrivyID is the first one to become the Non-Government Institution Certified Certificate Authority. Other CAs that were also inaugurated are Balai Sertifikasi Elektronik of BSSN, Peruri, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Vida, and DigiSign. The inauguration event […]

PrivyID Introduced Digital Signature to Ministry of Industry

Privy booth

Ministry of Industry revealed that service industry’s contribution to Indonesia’s GDP has continued to increase year to year. To collect more information about the business as well as to introduce the industry to Ministry of Trade’s stakeholders, the ministry held an exhibition complemented by a series of seminar at the Plaza Industry, South Jakarta on […]

PrivyID Participated in OJK’s Financial Inclusion and Literacy Expo in Makassar

OJK’s Financial Inclusion and Literacy Expo in Makassar

Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK) held Financial Inclusion and Literacy expo at Losari Beach, Makassar. Held from 25 to 27 October,  the program was organized as part of OJK’s mission in improving Indonesia’s financial inclusion rate and raising awareness of how to use financial services responsibly. The governor of South Sulawesi, Mr. Nurdin Abdullah, personally attended […]

[2019] Privy, the Ministry of Trade, Attended Indonesia Business, Infrastructure and Investment Forum

Indonesia Business, Infrastructure and Investment Forum

On Monday (23/9) in 2019, Privy (previously PrivyID) attended the Indonesia Business, Infrastructure and Investment Forum (IBIIF) in Shanghai, China. This international forum was also conducted in parallel with the China ASEAN Expo and the Indonesia Festival (INAFEST)  which took place in the same city. Marshall Pribadi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Privy, accepted a […]

Invited to Singtel CFO Forum, PrivyID Introduced Digital Signature and Digital ID’s Benefits to Singtel Group’s Key Figures

PrivyID x Singtel CFO Forum

On Tuesday (17/9), PrivyID was invited to attend Singtel CFO Forum. Situated in the green lush area of Borobudur temple, this annual event was organized as a medium for Singtel group’s leaders in financial departments to gather and retreat. Singtel Group is Asia’s leading communication group with over 140 years of experience. Headquartered in Singapore, […]

How to Develop an MVP, According to PrivyID’s CTO Guritno Adi Saputra

Toyota Funcode Hackaton

On Thursday, August 29, PrivyID’s CTO and Co-Founder, Guritno Adi Saputra (Abby) was invited to attend the Toyota Funcode as a speaker. Toyota Funcode is a hackathon event organized by TOYOTA and to encourage technology enthusiasts to create digital product innovations and learn how to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). How PrivyID Develops […]

4 Elements of Good Digital ID, Explained


Digital Identity or Digital ID is the digital representation of a subject. More specifically, digital ID is a set of attributes related to an entity that is used by computer systems to represent an external agent. Digital ID takes a different form from paper-based ID. For example, unlike driver’s licenses or passports that need to […]

Kolaborasi dengan Regtech PrivyID, Bank Mandiri Salurkan Kredit Usaha Mikro lewat Bukalapak

Petinggi Privy dan Mandiri.

PrivyID menggelar Ramadhan Talkshow dan buka puasa bersama pada hari Senin, 20 Mei 2019. Selain untuk mempererat keakraban, acara juga diadakan sebagai sarana edukasi terkait manfaat teknologi tanda tangan digital dan identitas digital. Kedua teknologi ini terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan efisiensi bisnis melalui percepatan proses dan pemangkasan biaya administrasi pada saat bersamaan. Solusi yang ditawarkan […]

PrivyID dan Kemendag Gelar Diskusi Peluang Ekspor Jasa Digital bersama 57 Startup Jogjakarta

Marolop Nainggolan

Industri jasa memiliki potensi ekspor yang sangat besar bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Pasalnya, data Bank Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa sektor jasa berkontribusi sebesar 43,63% pada produk domestik bruto (PDB) pada tahun 2017. Kontribusi sektor jasa kemudian meningkat menjadi 59% di tahun 2018. Dibandingkan dengan sektor pertanian dan manufaktur, sektor jasa mengalami pertumbuhan tertinggi. Direktur Kerja Sama Pengembangan […]