PrivyID Welcomed AMIKOM Computer Club Members for A Tour Around Privy Quarter

A Tour Around Privy Quarter

PrivyID welcomed student members of AMIKOM Computer Club (AMCC) at Privy Quarter in Yogyakarta on Thursday (12/9).

AMCC members’ visit was started with a tour around Privy Quarter, PrivyID’s research and development center located in Imogiri, Yogyakarta. The members took the chance to see how PrivyID’s verification and helpdesk team work in Privy Quarter’s ISO-complying interior. They also visited Developers’ workspace that is uniquely built in refurbished containers. Apart from a workspace, Privy Quarter is also equipped with a number of sport and entertainment facilities designed to help PrivyID’s family members to unwind from their tight workload. On the first floor, Privy Quarter has a badminton court, a tennis table, and a basketball ring. Additionally, Privy Quarter also has a mini theater with pre-installed Netflix subscription and PS4.

AMIKOM students at Privy quarter.

After the tour, the members continued their visit with a discussion and sharing session with Abby, Krishna, and Puji, PrivyID’s CTO, CIO, and VP of IT Architecture respectively. Abby began the session with a brief introduction to PrivyID’s services and the technology that PrivyID implements to their products. Abby also briefly explained the encryption method that PrivyID uses to ensure PrivyID’s digital signature validity and document’s integrity

The session was further continued with an introduction to the programming system used by PrivyID. As a growing company, Puji shared PrivyID’s journey of moving from the previous programming system application to the current one. He also explained what a Microservices architecture is and how they work.

Apart from the IT materials, members were also enthusiastic about PrivyID’s strategy for growth. One of the questions that the members asked was whether or not PrivyID’s services can be used abroad. Answering the question, Krishna said that each country has their own identification system. In Indonesia, the identification system is widely known as KTP and was compiled, organized, and distributed Directory General of Population and Civil Registry (Ditjen Dukcapil), a government body that PrivyID has established official partnership with.

Krishna said that PrivyID is using a scalable framework, but to be able to provide a similar service outside Indonesia, Krishna said that PrivyID must cooperate with the target country’s authority similar to Indonesia’s Ditjen Dukcapil.

“Right now PrivyID is trying to widen its market. But, we want our product to have a strong vision, to do so we must know the market’s needs regarding digital identity and digital signature,” Krishna concluded.

PrivyID would like to thank AMCC for the visit! We hope that the discussion and sharing session that we had can be worthwhile for all of you!

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