#LifeAtPrivy: How Curiosity Has Led Puri from Politics to Regtech

Puri Dewayani

Where has your curiosity led you to? For Puri Dewayani, her curiosity and eagerness to explore new things has brought her to PrivyID. Prior to PrivyID, Puri had worked in various institutions primarily as a media relations officer after obtaining a degree in political science. It was her curiosity to work in a tech company that has led her footsteps towards PrivyID.

Similar with most tech startups, PrivyID has a fast-paced environment which Puri initially struggled to keep up with. Puri’s unfamiliarity with encryption technology which serves as one of the main basis of PrivyID’s services was also a challenge on its own.Fortunately, as time went on, Puri managed to overcome these difficulties. Puri continuously learned about PrivyID and Indonesia’s tech industry from researching in her spare time. Puri also never hesitates to ask questions and have discussions with her fellow co-workers to better understand PrivyID’s digital signature and digital identity services.

Furthermore, Puri’s academic background also provided her role at work with a solid foundation. As a graduate of Political Science from the University of Indonesia, Puri said that the knowledge she gained during college gave her rich information of government organizational structure. Additionally, Puri’s former experience as an intern for People’s Representative Council (DPR) also gave her valuable insights on how to build and maintain relationship with government officials.

Puri’s responsibilities as a Marketing Communication Manager spans widely from maintaining relationships with medias and government officials to organizing ground events. One of the most memorable events for Puri was when PrivyID held its Key Ceremony, a  procedure where a unique pair of public and private root keys is generated, back in late 2018. Not only that this was Puri’s first time organizing the procedure, the whole procedure also took 14 hours to finish in an enclosed facility in the outskirt of Jakarta. Not long after that, PrivyID and Ditjen Dukcapil officially signed a partnership agreement. Communicating the partnership to the masses required Puri to coordinate with multiple stakeholders simultaneously.

Puri Dewayani

While these experiences have certainly toughened her hard skills, Puri explained that some challenges persist as there is still a high number of people in Indonesia who have yet to have a clear understanding what digital signature is. Without this basic understanding, people will find it hard to know what benefits that they will get from using digital signature in everyday activities. Puri considers it’s important to always ensure that people have enough knowledge about PrivyID so they will not be misguided.

“It is important for people to be aware of PrivyID’s full capabilities to ease their daily lives, as our service can touch multiple points in their everyday activities. Digital signature and digital identity’s benefits are not exclusive for corporations,” Puri explained.

Puri shared that her fellow co-workers are one of her biggest motivations at work. Puri feels comfortable in sharing her ideas as PrivyID has an environment that welcomes any kind of discussions. Not only that, PrivyID’s free coffee allowance also makes her feel happy to be in the office. Well, guess what, Puri? We’re also happy to have you in our family!

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